Metal Gear Survive Review: Too Harsh To Enjoy Game Review

Metal Gear Survive Review: Too Harsh To Enjoy Game Review

Introduction: Understanding Metal Gear Survive

Metal Gear Survive, a title developed by Konami, diverges from the traditional stealth-action formula that fans of the Metal Gear series have come to expect. Released in February 2018, this game marks a controversial entry in the beloved franchise. Instead of focusing on espionage and high-octane action, Metal Gear Survive opts for a survival game experience set in a parallel universe. This review delves into whether Metal Gear Survive manages to stand on its own or if it’s too harshly received to be enjoyed.

Metal Gear Survive Gameplay: A New Approach to Survival

The Basics of Survival Mechanics

In Metal Gear Survive, players are thrust into a survival scenario that requires them to scavenge for resources, craft items, and fend off zombie-like creatures. The game introduces a host of new mechanics, including base-building, resource management, and crafting systems. Unlike previous Metal Gear titles that focused on stealth, Metal Gear Survive’s gameplay revolves around managing hunger, thirst, and health while surviving waves of enemies.

Base Building and Resource Management

One of the core elements of Metal Gear Survive is its base-building mechanic. Players are tasked with constructing and upgrading a base to defend against increasingly challenging enemies. Resource management is crucial, as players must gather materials from the environment and salvage them from defeated foes. This system, while engaging for some, has been criticized for its repetitive nature and the lack of depth compared to other survival games.

Combat and Enemy Encounters

The combat in Metal Gear Survive is a departure from the traditional Metal Gear stealth approach. Players are equipped with various weapons and tools to fight off enemies, including melee weapons and firearms. The game features a horde-based enemy system where players face waves of zombie-like creatures. While the combat can be intense, it often feels shallow due to repetitive enemy types and limited enemy AI.

Graphics and Art Style: A Visual Departure

Graphics Quality and Design

Metal Gear Survive employs a visual style that is noticeably different from its predecessors. The game features a grim and desolate art style that suits its survival theme. However, the graphics quality has been a point of contention among players and critics alike. The visuals, while functional, lack the polish and detail seen in other contemporary titles, which contributes to the game’s harsh reception.

Art Style and Atmosphere

The art style of Metal Gear Survive reflects its survival horror elements, with a focus on bleak, post-apocalyptic environments. The atmosphere is designed to evoke a sense of isolation and desperation, which aligns with the survival genre. Despite this, some players feel that the art style lacks the distinctiveness and flair of previous Metal Gear games.

Story and Setting: A Departure from the Norm

Plot Overview

Metal Gear Survive’s story is set in a parallel universe where players must survive after a wormhole opens, leading to a zombie apocalypse. The plot is a significant departure from the complex and narrative-driven stories of previous Metal Gear titles. Instead of deep, character-driven narratives, players are presented with a more straightforward survival story that some critics argue lacks emotional depth and engagement.

Connection to Metal Gear Franchise

The connection to the Metal Gear franchise is tenuous at best. While the game incorporates some elements from the series, such as familiar characters and themes, it largely stands apart in terms of narrative and tone. This has led to mixed reactions from fans who expected a continuation of the franchise’s storied lore and character development.

Reception and Criticism: Why Metal Gear Survive Struggles

Critical Reception

The critical reception of Metal Gear Survive has been notably harsh. Reviewers have pointed out various issues, including its departure from the core Metal Gear gameplay, repetitive mechanics, and lackluster graphics. While some have appreciated the attempt at a new genre, many have criticized the game for not living up to the standards set by its predecessors.

Fan Reaction and Community Feedback

The fan reaction to Metal Gear Survive has been largely negative. Long-time fans of the Metal Gear series have expressed disappointment with the game’s departure from the franchise’s traditional elements. The survival mechanics and base-building features, while innovative for some, have not resonated well with the core audience, leading to a divide between those who enjoy the new direction and those who feel it strays too far from what made the series popular.


Metal Gear Survive represents a bold attempt to branch out from the traditional Metal Gear formula by exploring the survival genre. However, its execution has been met with mixed reactions. While the game introduces new mechanics and a fresh perspective, it struggles to resonate with fans of the franchise due to its departure from the series’ established elements. Its harsh reception can be attributed to these deviations, combined with criticisms of its gameplay and presentation. Ultimately, whether Metal Gear Survive is enjoyable may depend on individual expectations and preferences, particularly for those who approach it as a standalone survival game rather than a continuation of the Metal Gear legacy.


What is Metal Gear Survive about?

Metal Gear Survive is a survival game set in a parallel universe where players must manage resources, build bases, and fend off zombie-like enemies. It deviates from the traditional stealth-action gameplay of the Metal Gear series.

How does Metal Gear Survive differ from other Metal Gear games?

Unlike previous Metal Gear titles that focus on stealth and action, Metal Gear Survive emphasizes survival mechanics, base-building, and resource management. It lacks the complex narratives and stealth-based gameplay that the series is known for.

Is Metal Gear Survive worth playing?

Opinions on Metal Gear Survive are divided. While some players may find the survival mechanics engaging, many fans of the Metal Gear series are disappointed by its departure from the franchise’s core elements. It may be worth playing for those interested in survival games, but it may not satisfy long-time fans of the series.

What are the main criticisms of Metal Gear Survive?

The main criticisms of Metal Gear Survive include its repetitive gameplay, lack of depth in survival mechanics, subpar graphics, and a narrative that fails to connect with the Metal Gear franchise’s storied history. The game’s departure from the series’ traditional gameplay has also been a significant point of contention.

Are there any improvements or updates to Metal Gear Survive?

As of now, Metal Gear Survive has received updates to address some gameplay issues and balance concerns. However, the fundamental criticisms regarding its departure from the series’ core elements and its reception among fans remain largely unchanged.

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