Figment Review: A Surreal Journey Through the Mind Game Review

Figment Review: A Surreal Journey Through the Mind Game Review


What is Figment?

Figment is a unique and visually striking action-adventure game developed by Bedtime Digital Games. Released in 2017, this game offers players a chance to explore a surreal world that is a physical manifestation of the human mind. Combining puzzle-solving with combat, Figment stands out with its imaginative world design, thought-provoking narrative, and a soundtrack that integrates seamlessly into the gameplay.

In this review, we will explore every aspect of Figment, from its story and gameplay mechanics to its visual and audio design. We will also answer some frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help you decide whether Figment is the right game for you.

Story and Narrative

The World of Figment: A Dive into the Human Mind

The story of Figment takes place inside the human mind, where the main character, Dusty, and his companion, Piper, navigate through various regions representing different mental states and emotions. The journey begins after a traumatic event disrupts the mind’s peace, causing nightmares to emerge and wreak havoc. Dusty, once the mind’s guardian of courage, must overcome his own insecurities and fight these fears to restore balance.

Character Development: Dusty and Piper

Dusty is the embodiment of courage, but he starts the game as a retired, grumpy character who has lost his edge. His journey is as much about defeating external enemies as it is about reclaiming his inner strength. Piper, a cheerful and optimistic bird, serves as Dusty’s guide and companion, constantly pushing him forward and offering moral support.

Themes: Fear, Courage, and Healing

Figment is deeply rooted in themes of fear, courage, and mental healing. The game’s narrative cleverly weaves these themes into its gameplay and world design. Each region of the mind represents different aspects of these themes, such as the creative right brain or the logical left brain, making the journey both metaphorical and literal.

Gameplay Mechanics

Puzzle-Solving: Engaging and Thought-Provoking

One of the key elements of Figment is its puzzle-solving gameplay. The puzzles are intricately tied to the environment and often require players to interact with the world in creative ways. These puzzles range from simple lever-pulling to more complex tasks that involve timing, strategy, and exploration. The difficulty level is balanced, making it accessible to both casual gamers and those seeking a challenge.

Combat System: Simple Yet Satisfying

The combat in Figment is straightforward but satisfying. Dusty wields a wooden sword to fend off enemies that represent various fears and insecurities. While the combat mechanics are simple, they are well-integrated into the overall gameplay experience. Boss battles are a highlight, each featuring unique mechanics and requiring players to think on their feet.

Exploration: A World Worth Exploring

Exploration is a significant part of Figment, with each area of the mind offering something new to discover. From the vibrant and whimsical designs of the creative regions to the darker, more sinister areas plagued by nightmares, the game encourages players to take their time and soak in the world. Secrets and collectibles are scattered throughout, rewarding curious players with additional lore and backstory.

Visual and Audio Design

Art Style: A Visual Feast

Figment’s art style is one of its standout features. The game’s hand-drawn visuals are both beautiful and surreal, with each region of the mind boasting its own distinct aesthetic. The vibrant colors and imaginative designs bring the world to life, making it feel like a living, breathing painting. The attention to detail in the environment design adds depth to the game’s narrative, with every object and character contributing to the overall theme.

Soundtrack: Music as a Narrative Tool

Music plays a crucial role in Figment, not just as background ambiance but as a narrative tool. The soundtrack is dynamic, with songs and melodies changing based on the player’s actions and the events unfolding in the game. Boss fights, in particular, are accompanied by musical numbers sung by the enemies, making the battles feel like a twisted form of theater. This unique integration of music enhances the emotional impact of the game and adds to its charm.

Voice Acting: Bringing Characters to Life

The voice acting in Figment is top-notch, with each character’s voice fitting their personality perfectly. Dusty’s gruff, reluctant heroism is captured well, while Piper’s upbeat and supportive tone adds a layer of warmth to the game. The voice work complements the game’s writing, making the characters feel relatable and real despite the fantastical setting.

Figment’s Impact and Reception

Critical Reception: Praise for Creativity and Depth

Figment received positive reviews from both critics and players upon its release. The game was praised for its imaginative world, engaging gameplay, and thoughtful narrative. Critics highlighted the game’s ability to tackle complex themes like mental health and fear in a way that is accessible and entertaining. The combination of visual storytelling and interactive gameplay was also lauded as a standout feature.

Awards and Nominations: Recognition in the Indie Game Scene

Figment was recognized in the indie game community for its innovation and creativity. The game received nominations and awards for its art direction, music, and narrative design. These accolades helped cement Figment’s status as a standout title in the indie game scene, showcasing the potential of smaller studios to create impactful and memorable experiences.

Player Feedback: A Resonant Experience

Players have responded positively to Figment, with many praising the game’s emotional depth and unique aesthetic. The combination of challenging puzzles, engaging combat, and a compelling story has resonated with a wide audience. Some players have noted that Figment’s exploration of mental health themes has helped them reflect on their own experiences, adding a layer of personal connection to the game.

Replayability and Longevity

Length of the Game: A Short but Satisfying Experience

Figment is a relatively short game, with most players completing it in around 6 to 8 hours. While it may not be the longest game, its length is well-suited to the story it tells. The game’s pacing ensures that the experience remains engaging from start to finish without overstaying its welcome.

Collectibles and Secrets: Encouraging Exploration

For players looking to extend their time in Figment, there are various collectibles and secrets to uncover. These hidden items often provide additional lore and backstory, rewarding those who take the time to explore every nook and cranny of the mind. The game’s design encourages replayability, with some players returning to experience the story again or to find any missed collectibles.

Post-Game Content: Expanding the Experience

While Figment does not have extensive post-game content, it does offer players the chance to revisit completed levels and explore them at their leisure. This allows for a more relaxed experience after the main story, giving players the opportunity to appreciate the game’s world without the pressure of combat or puzzles.

Comparison to Similar Games

Figment vs. Psychonauts: A Battle of Minds

Figment often draws comparisons to the popular game Psychonauts due to its similar theme of exploring the human mind. However, while Psychonauts leans more towards platforming and humor, Figment takes a more somber and introspective approach. The two games share a love for surreal environments and creative design, but Figment’s focus on music and its emotional narrative set it apart.

Figment vs. Inside: A Journey Through Darkness

Inside is another game that Figment is often compared to, especially due to its dark themes and atmospheric storytelling. While Inside is a more linear and minimalist experience, Figment offers a more colorful and varied world. Both games are effective in their own right, but Figment’s use of music and its metaphorical exploration of the mind provide a different kind of emotional impact.

Figment vs. Bastion: Combat and Narration

Bastion is known for its engaging combat and unique narration style, both of which are elements present in Figment. However, Bastion places more emphasis on action, while Figment balances its combat with puzzle-solving and exploration. The narration in Bastion is also more direct, while Figment uses its environment and music to tell its story.

Pros and Cons


  • Unique Art Style: The hand-drawn visuals and surreal world design make Figment a feast for the eyes.
  • Engaging Narrative: The story is thought-provoking and deeply intertwined with the gameplay.
  • Dynamic Soundtrack: Music plays a central role in the game, enhancing both the atmosphere and the narrative.
  • Challenging Puzzles: The puzzles are well-designed and integrated into the game’s world.
  • Emotional Depth: The exploration of themes like fear, courage, and mental health adds a layer of emotional resonance.


  • Short Length: Some players may find the game’s length to be too short.
  • Simple Combat: While satisfying, the combat mechanics may feel too basic for some players.
  • Limited Replayability: Aside from collectibles, there is not much in terms of post-game content.


Figment is a beautifully crafted game that offers a unique and emotionally resonant experience. Its blend of puzzle-solving, combat, and exploration, combined with its stunning visuals and dynamic soundtrack, makes it a standout title in the indie game scene. While it may be on the shorter side, the quality of the experience more than makes up for its length. If you’re looking for a game that combines creativity with thought-provoking themes, Figment is definitely worth playing.


What Platforms is Figment Available On?

Figment is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and iOS.

How Long Does It Take to Complete Figment?

On average, it takes around 6 to 8 hours to complete the main story.

Is Figment Suitable for All Ages?

Yes, Figment is suitable for all ages, though younger players may need help with some of the puzzles.

Does Figment Have Multiple Endings?

No, Figment has a single, linear ending.

Can You Replay Levels in Figment?

Yes, you can revisit completed levels to explore and find collectibles.

Is There a Sequel to Figment?

Yes, a sequel titled Figment 2: Creed Valley was released in 2022.

Is Figment a Single-Player or Multiplayer Game?

Figment is a single-player game.

What Genre Does Figment Belong To?

Figment is an action-adventure game with puzzle-solving elements.

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